FCT announces the final results of the call for Expressions of Interest for the creation and establishment of a Consortium to Promote the Management and Sharing of Research Data at National Level. The provisional results of the Expressions of Interest for the creation of Centers for Research Data Management (GDI) have also been released.
These two processes are part of the National Program for Open Science and Open Research Data (PNCADAI), a measure of investment RE-C05-i08 - Ciência Mais Digital (More Digital Science ) financed by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR).
The main mission of the National Consortium for the Management and Sharing of Research Data will be to promote, create and develop a networked community of practice for the management of FAIR research data in Portugal, coordinating and supporting the selected Centers for the Management of Research Data. It will also aim to ensure support for convergence with (national and European) legislation and infrastructures. The proposal submitted was selected.
In the case of the Centers for IDM, the selected entities (provisional results) will contribute to the creation of a network to support the management and opening up of research data in Portugal, serving a community of users internal to the institution(s) and promoting the principles of FAIR Data.
Of the 18 proposals submitted to the Centers for GDI, the first 10 proposals, resulting from the panel's evaluation, were selected. In addition, it is FCT's intention to also contract with the centers that surpassed the eliminatory classification threshold, in accordance with point 3.3 of the Call for Expressions of Interest.
During the evaluation process, the panel highlighted the high quality of the proposals, as well as the initiative to set up and promote a National Network for Research Data Management.
For more information, you can also consult the page with the detailed documentation, as well as the address where you can send questions regarding these processes.