The Jornadas FCCN 2024 are coming! From April 15 to 17, the Madeira Congress Center and the Pestana Casino Park in Funchal will host the 15th edition of what is the largest gathering of the research and higher education community. Before the start of the 2024 edition, it's time to find out about the experience of those who attended last year's Jornadas FCCN .
Pedro R. M. Inácio, Pro-Rector for the Digital University and Professor at the University of Beira Interior, was the first to answer questions and give us his testimony.
"The Jornadas FCCN are an opportunity to connect and strengthen community spirit, exchange ideas and experience, and provide focused and effective updates on everything that surrounds the infrastructure and technologies that support Higher Education and Science in Portugal." Pedro R. M. Inácio
Was the 2023 edition of the Jornadas FCCN the first you attended or have you participated in other editions of the event?
The 2023 edition of the Jornadas FCCN was in fact the first time I was able to attend, despite the fact that my desire to participate in previous editions was often defeated for reasons of over-scheduling.
What motivated you to attend the event in 2023?
The main motivation was an invitation to speak, which added to my desire to take part and the prestigious image I have associated with these days.
What did you like most or what exceeded your expectations in the 2023 edition of the Jornadas FCCN?
Two aspects of this event that exceeded my expectations were the number of participants and the venue. I remember finding it interesting to see so many people at the lunch and the various lectures. The choice of the Almada Naval School to host the event allowed me to visit and get to know part of the facilities of an unusual place, which I don't think I'd ever have the opportunity to visit otherwise. I can see in this choice a hint of boldness and irreverence that will have contributed to the event.
Of course, I could also mention the jovial and uncomplicated spirit of the FCCN team and the community surrounding the days, but that's something I'm already used to and so I won't mention it here.
What did you take away from the event? Did the days enable you to gather useful information for your daily life?
Firstly, I brought with me the feeling of having contributed to the conference and having been useful to colleagues in the field. Secondly, I very naturally broadened my network of contacts and had the opportunity to share experiences (and listen to them) with people who live them .
Do you think the Jornadas FCCN are important for the national teaching and research community? Why?
Absolutely. These days are a very concrete way of sharing and updating knowledge. In a more abstract way, and looking at what I consider to be a society in effort, transformation and dynamism, especially in technological terms and linked to digital, it seems to me incrementally more important to have events that promote, in a well-defined and face-to-face way, socializing and the thematic transmission of knowledge.
What do you expect from the 2024 edition?
I think that the challenge in terms of surpassing expectations in relation to the venue has already been overcome, since the Days are being held in Funchal this year. Expecting more of the same isn't bad when what has already been done is pretty good.
Given the current revolution in terms of artificial intelligence and the context of international instability, I hope to see more of these themes at these days, particularly with regard to their application in higher education and scientific research in Portugal.