Pedro Vapi, Head of the ICT - Information and Communication Technologies - Infrastructure Division at the University of Coimbra, started taking part in the Jornadas FCCN even before the meeting took on its current name, in 1998 being the first time he attended an event at the FCCN unit.  

As one of the "oldest" members of the Jornadas FCCN, Pedro Vapi told us about his experience of this event over the years, referring to the initiative as a " MUST!

"Undeniably, it is one of the most important and remarkable events for the technical academic community" Pedro Vapi.

What motivated you to attend the event in 2023?

The certainty of finding interesting topics, captivating partnerships, stimulating news and a unique and unmissable social atmosphere. 

What did you like most or what exceeded your expectations about the 2023 edition of the Jornadas FCCN?

It was very important to find new technological developments. We are, for example, still in the implementation phase of a project that was presented by the VoIP team at this event. Talking to technology partners, for example, allows us to present some of the challenges and needs of the University of Coimbra and discuss possible solutions. 

The chance to get to know an environment I'm not used to exceeded my expectations: a naval base, with discipline and rigor present in many places, although it was possible to find human warmth and friendliness. I was surprised by some of the activities shared by the naval school, demonstrating a very high level of quality in what is done in Portugal. It was unique! 

Did the days enable you to gather useful information for your day-to-day life?  

I took away a lot of important knowledge that was essential in helping us to overcome some difficulties. In my specific case, the sharing I got the most out of was in the area of VoIP, Eduroam, Security and Cloud. 

The sharing of problems, computer attacks, limitations and creativity in solving them by other Higher Education Institutions became an inspiration for us to continue our journey with more vigor

Do you think the Jornadas FCCN are important for the national teaching and research community?

It is undeniably one of the most important and remarkable events for the academic technical community. I'm not just counting on the sharing of knowledge, technologies and solutions, but also on the recurring and consistent way in which we find a rare and healthy ecosystem of human interaction.  

The contacts that are exchanged and shared are essential for higher education institutions to be at an increasingly high level. 

Finally, even though I have severe sight and hearing difficulties, I find in these events a kindness, concern and respect that allows me to continue to have the courage to go, without fear of getting lost or helpless. This is unique! 

Would you recommend this event to others?

Clearly. I don't think it's easy to justify or explain what you can only feel and experience live. 

For those who are undecided, I advise you to try it once. If you regret it, you'll realize what you've been missing and you won't be able to stop going to the next events. 

What do you expect from the 2024 edition?

If that's what we've had, I'd be satisfied. However, FCCN has gotten us used to (badly!) exceeding expectations every time we go to a new event. 

So I'm looking forward to what's to come. 

You can read other testimonies from people who have been to the Days FCCN  

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