Meet the 5 big numbers of the NAU platform

The NAU Platform, managed by the FCT's FCCN Unit, was officially launched on April 3, 2019 and since then, the project has grown steadily. Here are 5 figures that illustrate this.

#1 - Users: 118,000

At the time of its creation, NAU already had 10 thousand users. Since then, this number has grown by 1182%, currently counting 118,000 registered users and 211,000 registrations. The fact that the number of enrolments almost doubles the number of users is highlighted by the NAU as demonstrating the "satisfaction of users, enrolling in more than one course".

#2 - Adhering entities: 23

Since April 2019, the number of institutions connected to the NAU Platform has grown by 130%. Currently, NAU has 23 member entities that promote a diversified training offer. In addition to public administration and private entities, ten higher education institutions have joined this project in the meantime.

#3 - Active courses: 33

Throughout its 24 months of existence, the NAU Platform has been adding more options to its training offer. Currently, registered users have 33 open, massive and online courses (MOOC) at their disposal. The topics are varied and range from health, security and technology to tourism, education and research, among others. 

#4 - Completion rate: 50%

According to the figures shared by the NAU Platform, more than 50% of the enrolled trainees finish their course with positive grades. This result is highlighted as being an excellent completion rate within the reality of MOOC courses, taking into account that one of the most pointed out problems in this genre of platforms is the difficulty in maintaining consistency and completion of the trainings.

#5- New courses: 11

There are already 11 new courses in development and many more to be created with partner entities. All this while new partnerships are being established. The goal is to make NAU the choice of the Portuguese when it comes to certification and MOOC training opening new worlds, creating constant and innovative knowledge routes of Lusophony, equipping Lusophones with the necessary skills to face future challenges.

What about the Future?

"We are on a good path".
For the manager of the NAU Platform, Pedro Barbosa Cabral, these numbers show that the project is "on a good path to achieving excellence as a reference platform for Lusophone knowledge and reaching our goals". For this reason, the NAU team is "very satisfied with the work achieved over the last two years", knowing that "there is still much work to be done".

NAU's objectives include establishing itself as a project that promotes "a culture of knowledge and continuous learning for the Portuguese population", as well as digital literacy. In this sense, adds Pedro Barbosa Cabral, it is "gratifying to know that there are sessions in various countries on five continents, including Brazil, the Netherlands, Finland, the United States, Spain, France, Austria, Cape Verde, Belgium and the United Kingdom in the top 10.

We invite everyone to celebrate with us by getting to know NAU better, and we challenge you to take one of the courses available.

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