O eduVPN is a VPN(Virtual Private Network) service developed by GÉANT for the international research and education community and promoted in Portugal by the Unit FCCN.

The goal of the service is to provide more secure access to public and private networks for the research and education community. The essential eduVPN user experience should be: "open your laptop and be online safely".

The eduVPN service was developed specifically for the academic community. Through it, a tunnel is created that protects data traffic from prying eyes, even when not browsing a secure network.

Through the eduVPN solution, students and researchers can access resources from their home institution, from anywhere, without worrying about security, in an economical way and without advertising interruptions (common in other VPN solutions).

The eduVPN instances offered by NRENs and Higher Education institutions, allow students, researchers and employees of the adhering institutions to obtain a VPN on their work devices, for access to known terminals.

key benefits 2 FCCN, FCT digital services

eduVPN can be implemented mainly in two cases:

eduVPN FCCN, FCT's digital services

Secure and private access on public networks: providing secure gateways to trusted networks, to which the end-user can tunnel if he is using unsecured networks (e.g. in particular public Wi-Fi access points).

Access to private networks: This is a "corporate VPN" solution, in which the end user can access resources on the internal network of their institution. In this case, eduVPN has functionalities similar to those of a typical VPN concentrator. The service can also be used to connect different campuses or networks (VLANs) within a single institution.


eduVPN is offered as a software that can be implemented by any NREN or interested institution. O Installation guide is now available in Portugueseas well as a quick guide with a summary of the advantages of the service.

More information:

The software source code (server and client) and ancillary documentation can be found at: https://github.com/eduvpn/documentation.

The original installation guide (in English) is available at: https://github.com/eduvpn/documentation/blob/master/README.md#deployment



The installation application can be found at: https://app.eduvpn.nl/

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