NAU Advanced Tools

FAN funding 1 FCCN Computing Unit

1. identification and framework

Acronym: FAN
Project Title: Advanced Tools NAU
Project No. POCI-05-5762-FSE-000266
Title: SATDAP - Capacity Building for Public Administration
Operational Programme: Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme
Intervention Type: European Social Fund (ESF)
Start Date: 01-10-2020
End Date : 30-09-2023

2. Amounts involved

Entity: Foundation for Science and Technology
Eligible: 960 000,00 €
ERDF Support: 546 720,00 €

3. Implementation

Financial Execution
Eligible Executed Budget : €960,000.00 (100%)
ERDF support obtained: €546,720.00 (56.95%)

Operational Execution
Execution Rate: 100%

4. Project overview:

The FCT's mission is to continuously promote the advancement of scientific and technological knowledge in Portugal, to achieve the highest international standards of quality and competitiveness in all scientific and technological fields, and to stimulate its dissemination and contribution to society and the productive fabric.

Distance learning has become increasingly popular among education and training institutions, as a way of reducing the costs of all the logistics and organization involved in welcoming and accommodating students, reducing the costs of sending trainers and as a way of gaining new audiences, due to the convenience that distance learning provides, namely the population of the less developed regions of the North, Centre and Alentejo.

The NAU Platform (Large Group Learning Platform in the Public Administration) is a multifunctional infrastructure to support distance learning courses for large audiences promoted by the Public Administration, with the following objectives: to promote the Portuguese language and content about Portugal and Portuguese culture; to promote access to higher education and its internationalization; to promote the continuous training of citizens in general and state employees in particular; to develop services and activities that ensure its sustainability. The FAN Project (NAU Advanced Tools) arose from the inventory of additional development needs for the base platform in the "Requirements Survey" phase of the previous project and from international trends in MOOC(Massive Open Online Course) management, with the aim of strengthening the FCT|FCCN team with the knowledge and resources to play a more active and relevant role in the Open edX community as well as in the European community of MOOC developers.

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