The Directorate-General for Education and Science Statistics (DGEEC) has released a publication with new indicators on national scientific production in Open Access between 2010 and 2020. Get to know some of the main conclusions.

With the aim of "contributing to a more detailed analysis of the topic of Open Access", the Directorate General for Education and Science Statistics has published a set of bibliometric indicators on Portuguese Open Access scientific production. The publication, available here, details the number and percentage of publications made within this paradigm and outlines the portrait of international collaboration and Open Access in the Portuguese public higher education system, among other indicators.

The data analysed by this body show that the number of Portuguese publications on Open Access increased considerably between 2010 and 2020, reaching 47% of the total number of publications in 2020. The percentage growth during this period was 76%, with an average annual growth of around 6%.

The DGEEC study also establishes a comparison of Portuguese scientific publications with the international reality, highlighting that, on average, the national scientific production received 47% more citations than the world average for publications with the same characteristics (year of publication, type of document and scientific area). In contrast, the average of Portuguese publications in closed access were slightly below the world average in terms of the number of citations.

Another of the data highlighted by the study concerns the scientific areas that most published in open access. In this chapter, the exact and natural sciences stand out as those that obtained a more representative result. In 2020, for example, Open Access publications from these areas exceeded 50%. Specifically, the medical and health sciences showed the highest normalised citation impact within the national Open Access landscape, receiving 98% 

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