Students from Eça de Queirós Secondary School started their work on the UP2U project with an interview with an urban art creator.

The class from the professional Multimedia Technician course at Escola Secundária Eça de Queirós, in Lisbon, is responsible for one of the eight pilot projects that mark the start of the UP2U project in Portugal. The work of these students focuses on the creation of a multimedia platform on urban art in Lisbon. During March, the first video interview was conducted with one of the creators, Patel Ribeiro.

With 5 million euros of funding under Horizon 2020, this European initiative is based on collaboration between 18 partners from 12 different countries. In Portugal, the project is coordinated by the National Scientific Computing Unit of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), in partnership with the Porto Higher Institute of Engineering (ISEP).

"The aim is to increase enrolment in higher education and reduce early school leaving, adapting teaching technologies and methodologies to the educational needs of the 21st century," says Nélson Dias, a member of the team that coordinates this initiative. So far, UP2U has been joined by eight Portuguese schools, which are implementing projects. However, highlights Nélson Dias, "all schools are invited to participate", increasing this number.

IMG 1230 FCCN, FCT Digital Services

Learning in the field
According to one of the students participating in this project, Sara Saramago, this is a good learning opportunity. " Learning outside the classroom and doing concrete things is easier," she points out, before adding: "we don't just listen, here we apply what we know.

The same idea is highlighted by the teacher and course coordinator, Elsa Mota. Under this project, students can "get out of their comfort zone, to get to learning". " The possibility of, at the end, being able to say 'I did this' is also very important", adds the teacher, particularly in a professional area where the portfolio assumes special relevance.

On the other hand, the final objective of the work - the creation of a multimedia platform about urban art in Lisbon - requires the division of tasks among the students of the class. In addition to conducting interviews, it is necessary to make contacts, edit images and video or design the website, for example. Above all, highlights Elsa Mota, "it is necessary to work as a team", which will also result in the development of skills.

These are, precisely, some of the goals of the European project UP2U. The methodology provides for the integration of learning environments inside and outside the classroom, in a logic of projects across several disciplines. For more information, you can visit

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