Learn about the steps taken by the Unit FCCN to support Distance Learning and Teleworking
The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a very significant increase in the use of the Unit's services FCCN. Learn about the steps taken to ensure support for distance learning and teleworking.

Educast launches new HTML5 editor
Unity service FCCN launches a new HTML5 video editor that replaces the previous flash version and introduces new features.

"Studio FCCN helps ensure the success of our projects"
Sandra Pinto, head of the Setúbal Polytechnic Institute (IPS), describes the recording experience at Estúdio FCCN, detailing the context in which the recordings were made.

Applications are open for the Arquivo.pt Prize 2021
Another year, another Arquivo.pt award! In 2021, the award will once again distinguish innovative research work on the information preserved by Arquivo.pt, with a total of 15,000€ in prizes. Applications are open until May 4.

FCCN continues to bring knowledge home
FCCN continues to support the community in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing technology and knowledge to the homes of students, researchers and teachers. Here's a reminder of the services that could be useful in the context of distance learning and teleworking

Learn about the advantages of integrating Colibri into Moodle
Functionality launched in 2020 allows "facilitating the scheduling of teaching activities" and is available to all members of the Science, Technology and Society Network (RCTS).

The impact of FCCN services on online events
Maria João Matos, a senior technician at the Directorate-General for Territory, explains the role of the FCCN services in holding an online event as part of the European Territorial Cooperation Program - URBACT.
Colibri grows 420% by 2021
The service of the FCT's FCCN Unit, which allows videoconferencing sessions to be held, whether in the classroom, at events or at meetings, has seen an upward trend in the number of minutes, participants and sessions held in the first four months of 2021, compared to the previous year. The impact of online academic activities on the Colibri service During the

Find out more about the programme that will shape Europe's digital future
The Digital Europe programme will fund projects dedicated to bringing together digital technologies, citizens, businesses and public administrations.

Lisbon Polytechnic hosts training courses FCCN
he Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon hosted three training sessions focusing on the Educast service. In total, around 120 professionals from the Polytechnic of Lisbon took part in three sessions dedicated to the Unit's communication, collaboration and distance learning services FCCN. Held between May 19 and 21, these training sessions were aimed at

Educast presents news
Service for recording, editing and publishing educational videos integrates new functionalities, at the beginning of another school year.

Colibri now allows the use of Zoom Apps
A new feature of the Unity videoconferencing service FCCN has several advantages for users. Find out which