100 Gbit/s Science, Technology and Society Network

barrarcts100 funders FCCN, FCT digital services

1. identification and framework

  • Code: 01/SAICT/2017 - SAICT (Research Infrastructure Projects)
  • Title: Projects of Development and Implementation of Research Infrastructures inserted in the RNIE
  • OperationalProgramme: Competitiveness and Internationalisation Operational Programme
  • Thematic objective: OT 1 - Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
  • Investment Priority: PI 1.1 - Strengthening of research and innovation (R&I) infrastructure
  • Intervention typology: TI 45 - Scientific and technological research
  • Start Date: 1 October 2017
  • End date: June 10, 2023

2. Amounts involved

NIF: 503904040
Entity: Foundation for Science and Technology
Eligible: € 17 243 185,40
ERDF Support: € 13 006 847,00

3. Implementation

Financial Implementation

Eligible executed budget: €8,618,380.17 (50%)
ERDF support obtained: €13,006,847.00 (75.5%)

Operational Execution

Execution rate: 100%

4. Key Moments

November 2, 2017: Submission of the Terms of Acceptance to the funding body
October 1,2017: Project starts
October 21, 2019 : Approval of the 1st temporal and financial reprogramming, with the acquisition of communication equipment for the local networks of a number of higher education institutions
November 13, 2020: Inaugurations in Bragança (IPB) and Vila Real (UTAD) of the first two upgrades of access to the national academic network, with the presence of the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor
March 17, 2021: Approval of the 2nd temporal reprogramming, with the extension of the project execution period for another 12 months, until September 30, 2022.

May 24, 2022: Approval of the 3rd reprogramming, extending the project's execution period by another 3 months, until December 31, 2022.

February 16, 2023: Inauguration of the Next Generation RCTS - RCTS100

February 28, 2023: Approval of the 4th reprogramming, extending the project's execution period by another 6 months, until June 10, 2023.

5. Project Summary


  • Develop national capabilities for communication and big data computing to meet the most demanding technological needs of the national research community;
  • Develop national capacities for shared hosting of digital research infrastructures;
  • To provide advanced collaboration services enabling the national scientific community to participate in projects of strategic interest;
  • To promote innovation and knowledge through the development of open access capacities to research data, knowledge and other research resources by universities, polytechnics and national research units;
  • To reduce the digital divide that currently exists between national research poles and to promote equal opportunities for collaboration and participation in international projects with high connectivity and computing requirements;
  • To foster the creation of distributed and/or virtual digital research infrastructures.

Territorial framework

North: 35.38%
Centro: 30.45%
Lisboa: 18.87%
Alentejo : 13.00%
Algarve: 2.30%

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