Representatives from the Norwegian National Competence Center (NCC) of the EuroCC2 project visited Portugal on March 8th.

It was at the Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics (LIP) in Lisbon that representatives from the NCCs of Norway and Portugal met to exchange information and experiences. 

The role of the National Competence Centers 

The NCCs are a central part of the EuroCC2 project, which focuses on the creation and development of these National Competence Centers across Europe, with the aim of promoting innovation, competitiveness and scientific advancement through advanced or high-performance computing (HPC). 

In this sense, these centers play a crucial role in facilitating access to HPC resources, training specialists and promoting partnerships between academia, industry and the public sector.

During the meeting, the Portuguese and Norwegian NCCs focused on presenting the latest advances in their national HPC infrastructures and sharing success stories. 

The objectives of the meeting 

The agenda of the meeting included presentations on the context and organization of the

National Advanced Computing Network and an introduction to the activities of the Foundation for Science and Technology, developed through the unit


The methodology for allocating computing resources in national and European systems, use cases and industry contacts related to the project for both countries were also discussed.

Collaboration between Portugal and Norway

The Norwegian NCC was recently created by Sigma2, the entity responsible for the computer science infrastructure in Norway and which offers HPC services. 

In view of its commitment to developing skills in Portugal, NCC Portugal has established a partnership with this structure with a view to strengthening collaborative ties, exploiting synergies and exchanging best practices. 

You can find out more about the EuroCC2 project at

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