Elvira Fortunato stopped by the Minho Advanced Computing Center (MACC) to learn more about the Deucalion supercomputer.  

The Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Elvira Fortunato, visited the Minho Advanced Computing Center in Guimarães in early May. During the visit, the government delegation was able to learn more about the installation of the Deucalion supercomputer - a project that represents an investment of 20 million euros.  

Deucalion is expected to be ready for use this autumn and will be known as the "green supercomputer". This is because it will enable the application of European and global principles of green computing by being one of the first European supercomputing projects with a low carbon footprint, in line with the European Green Pact.  

Deucalion weighs around 26 tons and is capable of performing 10 million billion calculations per second. Deucalion will be operated by the MACC, with support from the Advanced Computing team at the FCT's FCCN Unit, which will provide resources to the Research & Innovation communities. This new supercomputer joins those already part of the National Advanced Computing Network: Navigator, Oblivion, Vision, Cirrus and Stratus.  

You can learn more about the National Network for Advanced Computing here: https://rnca.fccn.pt 

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