The increase in the number of distance learning classes has led to a significant increase in the use of Colibri. In 2021, for example, the number of minutes spent on classes and webinars grew by 420%. Find out about seven other services at FCCN that can make a difference to the student experience.

eduroam. Connection to the world

A regular presence on Portuguese campuses since 2003, the eduroam network guarantees secure Internet access to the entire teaching and research community. Therefore, with the same login, it is possible to access the Internet in 101 countries. In Europe, for example, there are more than 15,000 hotspots.

b-on. Online Knowledge

For students looking to complement their bibliography, the Online Knowledge Library (b-on) offers unlimited and permanent access to thousands of periodicals and ebooks published by some of the leading international publishers. The service has been online since March 2004, allowing institutions to rationalise costs through centralised negotiation with scientific content suppliers.

RCAAP. Open Access Knowledge

To find research carried out in Portugal on a given topic, all students can always consult RCAAP (Open Access Scientific Repositories of Portugal). This national initiative provides users with a platform for storing, preserving and promoting access to scientific knowledge produced in Portugal, aggregating thousands of contents that are scattered across the various Portuguese repositories.

Filesender. Sending (large) files

The ideal solution for jobs involving the sharing of heavy files, Filesender allows you to send files up to a maximum limit of 100 GB. This exclusive platform for students, teachers and researchers is therefore the best option for securely sharing large files. Traveling through time preserves millions of webpages collected since 1996, allowing a complete search that makes this information accessible. As such, it is possible to travel through the Internet's past, looking for useful information for academic work, as well as accessing links that, in the meantime, are no longer available. Since 2018, the Prize is also promoted, to which students from all areas can apply, presenting an innovative and useful use for society, of the preserved pages.

Educast. Create and Share

For all students who want to record and disseminate their academic work, Educast is the ideal partner. Through this platform it is possible to record, edit and publish content (such as classes or presentations), using only the personal computer and the recording and editing platform available online. This service also allows you to find sources to enrich your study, since the publication is done by uploading to a searchable portal that aggregates more than 30 thousand videos, with the possibility of integrated sharing on social networks.

NAU. Always Learning

The NAU Platform provides access to online courses for large audiences in MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) format. The trainings are diversified and range from courses in the area of Health to Cyberbulling, Personal Data Protection or Education for Sustainability. MOOCs are a distance education option with growing popularity around the world. NAU is the result of a partnership between the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Directorate-General of Education (DGE), Directorate-General of Health (DGS), INA - Directorate-General of Qualification of Workers in Public Functions, IEFP - Institute of Employment and Vocational Training and the General Secretariat of Education and Science.

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