The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), through its FCCN unit, manages a range of services and projects aimed at promoting Open Science practices in Portugal. See some of the main examples here.

Open Science is the movement that promotes more open and collaborative research practices, in which publications, data, software and other types of scientific output are shared as early as possible and made available for reuse. It contributes to increasing knowledge of the scientific process and the efficiency of research, enhancing scientific cooperation and promoting a greater social and economic impact of science.

To ensure that all the research it funds is openly accessible to all, here are the FCT services, provided by the unit FCCN, which promote the practice of Open Science:

1. B-on and RCAAP

Through these two services, national scientists can increase the visibility of their work and access relevant data from other research. The interconnection with other components of the scientific ecosystem, namely CIÊNCIAVITAE, also has a facilitating impact.

2. Indexar

INDEXAR is a platform that manages information on national digital repositories and journals in the areas of science, technology and culture. With this service, it is easier to access published scientific information, consulting statistical data on each resource or on the entire directory.

3. NAU Platform

Scientific knowledge can be shared in various ways. NAU is an e-learning platform that allows scientific research units to create open, massive, online courses that materialize data and conclusions in literacy or information projects, among others.

4. Pollen

The POLEN project responds to the needs of the scientific and teaching community in the area of Research Data Management (RDM). It thus aims to promote the principles and practice of Open Science, ensuring the sharing and preservation of research data generated within the scope of publicly funded projects.


PTCRIS is a program that aims to promote the integration of the science management systems of the various entities operating in the academic-scientific ecosystem, with a view to fulfilling the principle of "Register once, reuse many times". Through principles such as openness, debureaucratization and simplification, it is possible to bring citizens closer to national scientific activity, which reveals the impact of the service in promoting Open Science.

6. SciELO

SciELO allows journals to be published in open access and progressively aligned with Open Science communication practices. This is done by improving and expanding the means, infrastructures and capacities for communicating or evaluating the results they convey. 

More information about these services from the FCCN unit, which aim to promote Open Science, can be found at:

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