picture of
Ana Afonso
Marketing & Communication
From October 24 to 28, the Open Week FCCN was held - an initiative that took around 250 students to see the facilities and infrastructures of the Unit FCCN. Ana Afonso, from the Unit's Marketing & Communication Office at FCCN, explains the objectives achieved, underlining the impact of these actions: "Study visits are an excellent educational tool for teachers and students".

It was in 2019 that we started the Open Week project, bringing secondary or vocational school students to the Unit FCCN to learn more about our activity and mission, as well as the associated projects and professions. The pandemic interrupted this activity, leading to an online edition in 2021. 

October 2022 saw a return to face-to-face study visits, which we were happy to organize and accompany. In addition to a general presentation about the Unit FCCN and its services dedicated to students in 2022, the Open Week included a visit to the Datacenter FCCN and the Studio FCCN

I've always thought that field trips are a great pedagogical tool for teachers and students. They are not only an important complement to the school curriculum, but also, in many cases, allow the consolidation of learning done in the classroom context. I believe that these "non-formal" educational contexts are excellent spaces for the acquisition and assimilation of interests and knowledge.

During the visits of the Open Week 2022, I noticed that even the visitors who arrived with more trepidation left the visit surrendered to the impressive Datacenter room and excited with the activities they could do in our Studio. Between filming tests with virtual and teleprompter scenarios, and audio-only recordings/plays, the visits had room for knowledge, experimentation, fun and good learning

The World of Professions

FCCN Another of the aims of this initiative is to provide students with "more information about qualifications and career paths in the ICT area" (Information, Communication and Electronic Technologies). As such, the daily program of the Open Week also included, on every visit, a sharing by various employees of the Unit FCCN, about their professional and academic careers, as well as their experiences as university students and the transition to professional life. 

Through these moments of interaction, students had the opportunity to learn more about careers in ICT, clearing up some doubts. Our expectation is that the knowledge of these realities can motivate students and also be a guide to their future.   

After around 250 students from six different schools visited the FCCN Unit, I think that the Open Week fully met its objectives. This success would not have been possible without the professionalism and availability of several FCCN employees, who managed to fit these visits into their schedules, letting everyone know about our work. Here's a big thank you to them!

Open Week
Ricardo Dias, Technical Room Management Technician, Application Infrastructure Area FCCN, prepares for the entry of a group into the Datacenter.
IMG 3242 FCCN, FCT Digital Services
João Santos, Multimedia Services Technician - Advanced Services Area, explains how Teleponto works to a group (@ Estúdio FCCN)

Next year, we will hold a new edition of Open Week, with more high school and professional students having the opportunity to get to know us better, in the hope that we can also have a positive impact on their future lives as university students. 

For a small preview of Open Week, watch the video:

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