Every day, thousands of researchers nationwide use the Foundation for Science and Technology's digital solutions, available at FCCN, to create knowledge and science. 

Here are some of the main services we provide to the national scientific community.

#1 b-on

The Online Knowledge Library (b-on) celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2024. Over these two decades, it has guaranteed the academic and scientific community unlimited and permanent access to thousands of publications from some of the most important content providers.


RCAAP - Repositórios Científicos de Acesso Aberto (Open Access Scientific Repositories ) accesses various Portuguese institutional repositories, making it easier for researchers to search using keywords. This is a way of increasing the dissemination and visibility of their work. 


PTCRIS is a program that has been simplifying the activities of national researchers. By creating an integrated ecosystem, it is now easier to access relevant information and manage scientific activity. 

#4 Polen

This project responds to the needs of the scientific and teaching community in the area of Research Data Management (RDM). It aims to promote the principles and practice of Open Science, ensuring that researchers can share and preserve the data generated within the scope of publicly funded projects.


The CIÊNCIA VITAE platform consists of a database of researchers that gathers information such as their identifier, training, positions, skills, research area, publications, affiliation, among others. With this information, you can create, generate and promote your curriculum vitae quickly and easily.


This is an identification system for the national scientific ecosystem, which allows each researcher to authenticate themselves through a single account. It aggregates their entire career in science, reducing bureaucracy.

#7 Arquivo.pt

Obtaining credible information is a fundamental condition for the work of any scientist and researcher. Arquivo.pt helps with this mission, particularly in cases where the necessary records are no longer available online. 

This service has been preserving millions of files collected from the web since 1996 and is increasingly being used as a source for scientific work. 

#8 Indexar

The Indexar project provides access to a complete and credible list of national digital resources in the field of science and culture, and is therefore an asset for any researcher or scientist. 

As well as aggregating repositories and journals, this directory offers the possibility of integrating information with thematic aggregators or international directories. 


This is a project that guarantees national scientists and researchers access to cloud service tools. In 2021, the Géant Association, represented by 40 NRENs (National Research and Education Networks), negotiated a pan-European framework agreement for Cloud services, called OCRE 2020, for a period of 4 years. 

The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) is responsible for streamlining the necessary contracting processes between the Confirmed Entities and the suppliers. Once this four-year period is over, the new OCRE 2024 Framework Agreement will begin in December 2024 and will run for a period of 5 years. The aim will be to tender IaaS+ cloud services (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS), resulting in framework agreements to be used by institutions in the participating countries.  

Find out more about these and other digital solutions for researchers by visiting our service catalog.

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